Federal City Building

Federal City Property Investors, LLC (Fed City) is a privately held commercial real estate firm.

Fed City acquires and develops assets throughout the United States. The company focuses mainly on Trophy and Class A quality multi-family development. Fed City also has extensive experience in the office, ultra-luxury hotel, industrial and land sectors.

The company is headquartered in Washington, DC and is owned by its Founder, Nicholas Demas.

About Us

The purpose of Fed City is to maximize its investors multiple of capital while employing a business plan which limits risk to the furthest extent possible. The company is not a "vertically integrated platform" which is beholden to a never-ending need to collect fees to cover overhead.

Every decision Fed City makes is based on the probability of compounding investor capital within a reasonable time horizon without assuming improbable risks.

Federal City is the amalgamation of mastery, determination and command.


Fed City is a company which makes investments based on analytics and research. The company has developed an in-house proprietary technology platform which tracks a multitude of population and market dynamics.

Once investments are identified, a team of renowned third-party consultants assist Fed City in underwriting the opportunities.

For Sellers, Fed City strives to offer the fastest closing and the highest certainty of concluding the transaction.

Research Markets


The company subscribes to industry leading information providers and commissions leading third parties to provide market information.

Location Selection

Location Selection

Locations are decided based on the best development opportunity available in each market.

By Right Entitlements

By Right Entitlements

In order to reduce entitlement risk, and to expedite land acquisition and building approvals, the company only pursues By-right acquisitions and entitlements.

Assemble A Design Team


A Design Team is assembled to pursue entitlements immediately following the security of the acquisition.


Fed City focuses on aligning itself with it's investors and our common goals. The company focuses on the following areas to ensure that all investors feel well represented and well informed of their investments with Fed City.


Fed City offers maximum transparency and alignment through co-investing alongside investors and operating partners.

Listening And Alignment

We ensure that investors always have access to us with direct lines of communication. Investments are only accepted from investors that pass our internal vetting process.


Every entity is audited every year; completed through Grant Thornton.

Corporate Governance

A Board of Directors meet regularly, serving to provide oversight and advice.

Our Leadership

Nicholas Demas

Founder and Principal

Ricky Budhrani

Managing Partner

Brian Glasser

FCIG Board Chairman

Cameron Wick

FCIG Board Member

Steve Platz

FCIG Board Member

Dave Dantzic

FCIG Board Observer

Bor Misic

Head of Quantitative Research

Elina Nizar


Ivy-Maria Tompkins

Executive Assistant

Jason Iannotti

Construction Management
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